The ART 4 INCLUSION project (A4I) is being implemented during a situation that is challenging the European Union: the pandemic caused by the COVID-19. All sectors are being affected and the pandemic is having a great impact on social activity in general and on artistic and cultural activity in particular. In addition, the challenges already faced by the EU regarding the effective inclusion and employability of young migrants and minorities are becoming more acute, in view of the increase in social emergency situations. In the face of these problems, art can be a tool for expression and communication of individual feelings and social problems, to promote empowerment, dialogue, and inclusion. Likewise, the richness of artistic disciplines must be used more than ever, and the public and institutions must be made aware of their importance in social life.
In this sense, the project arises with the aim of promoting social and labour inclusion of young migrants and minorities through art to respond to the situation generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. To achieve this objective, the following specific will be realized:
- To promote the social inclusion of young migrants and minorities through culture and art.
- To promote the employability of young artistic professionals, who have been affected by the situation arising from the COVID19
- To promote the participation of young migrants and minorities through culture and art.
- To raise awareness among the public of the importance of art and culture in the processes of social and economic development in the European Union.
The A4I consortium will develop two main Intellectual Outputs, to achieve the above-mentioned objectives:
Despite the use of art as a methodological element to favour the processes of participation and social inclusion of young migrants and minorities, there is no common guide that can be applied in the different EU member states, differentiating five main artistic disciplines, such as music, dance, theatre, circus and cinema. This lack will be addressed through the “ART 4 INCLUSION GUIDE” OF SOCIAL PARTICIPATION THROUGH ART FOR YOUTH”. The guide aims to open the range of activities for young people in order to favour their social inclusion process by offering practical educational resources, which can be used by young people between 16 and 30 years of age. We will develop a guide of activities to promote the participation and social inclusion of young people through dance, music, circus, theatre, and cinema. The guide will contain fundamental elements adapted to the young population, with activities and educational resources useful during the process of integration and social inclusion in their community.
Intellectual output 2: E-ARTISTIC AREA
This is a web platform aimed at young migrants and minorities, and youth professionals. It consists of two main sections. The first is the E-LEARNING AREA, which will include the activities contained in the Guide. The second is the PARTICIPATION AREA, an innovative section that will allow the beneficiaries of the project to participate directly in different activities developed in the framework of the project. In turn, it will have two parts: the YOUTH AREA, where young migrants and minorities will create video-tutorials related to the Guide; and the ARTISTIC CAMPAIGN, where, through awareness raising by means of documentary videos, the participating professionals in the artistic field will be able to share information related to their professional field, the benefits it generates for young migrants and minorities, as well as the consequences that the health crisis generated by COVID19 has had on their professional sector.