SOLIDARIDAD SIN FRONTERAS is a non-governmental organization composed of interdisciplinary professionals. Our mission is to contribute to the development, integration and wellness of the most vulnerable groups, promoting tolerance, justice, and social responsibility with other organizations and public institutions.
SSF promotes a wide range of projects, training activities, courses, seminars, studies and research, and public activities on social, political and cultural issues, defending the right to education and freedom of education. SSF develops different projects at national and European level to contribute to the development, integration and wellness of the most vulnerable groups and to promote, in networking with other organizations and public institutions, tolerance, justice and social responsibility.
- Spain
- www.ssf.org.es
- SolidaridadSinFronteras
- linkedin.com/company/2965835/
- info@ssf.org.es
- Tel. +34 605298787
- Contact Person: Mr. Álvaro Will Ibáñez Tudela

Scientific and Research Association for Art, Cultural and Educational Programmes and Technology EPEKA, Social Enterprise, was founded in 2008. It was founded as an initiative to connect creators of cultural, artistic, educational, scientific and technological content. Epeka has a long history of working with underprivileged social groups both with youth and adults, promoting the rights of the Roma minority in Slovenia and enabling and empowering them. One of the most prominent results of this was the opening of Romani Kafenava, the first Roma restaurant in the EU working on the principles of social entrepreneurship. We own a Gallery in which we exhibit various work of art by known Slovenian and foreign authors with a focus on exhibiting art from underprivileged social groups. We also organize 2 musical cycles every year, each consisting of 4 concerts.
- Slovenia
- www.epeka.si
- epeka.slovenia
- EPeKa_Slovenia
- epeka_slovenia/
- epeka@epeka.si
- Tel. +38631593074
- Contact Person: Mr. Matej Tisaj

Epeka Berlin e.V. is a cultural organisation dedicated to experimentation, education, and production across disciplines. Through a broad range of educational programs, performances, residencies, and exhibitions, Epeka Berlin e.V. intends to transcend disciplinary boundaries to foster a community where alternative modes of thought are activated and supported. We strive to make culture accessible to all, with the specific focus on young people that we'd like to include in all the activities we organise. Our main method of empowerment of communities is through various forms of art. EPEKA Berlin e.V. is a part of larger Epeka Network. We strive to organize events and activities that promote the methods of non-formal education and connect those activities to various forms of art.
- Germany
- www.epeka.eu
- epeka.network
- epeka@epeka.eu
- Tel. +4917638495149
- Contact Person: Mr. Luka Murovec

Cinematek (Analog People ltd) is a private company in the cultural and creative sector, specialized in the cinema and film industry. In December 2018 the company published CINEMATEK film magazine (in collaboration with Cineuropa.org), which is the only film magazine in Greece. It has been established and widely recognized as the most significant medium in the field of cinema and film industry. Cinematek has built a members club, counting 2.500 people that form a strong community in the cultural and creative sector. As the only film magazine in Greece, Cinematek has organised cinematic events in the city of Athens that attracted full attention with sold-out screenings. Additionally, Cinematek holds cinematic seminars and workshops for kids and young adults, run by experienced professionals in the field of education, psychology and social sciences, as well as by professionals from the field of cinema, art, theatre and performing arts generally. Finally, Cinematek works in close collaboration with Greek directors' guilds and other film professionals, with a particular focus on the young generation.
- Greece
- www.cinematek.gr
- Cinematek.gr
- info@cinematek.gr
- Tel. +302103809789, +306946967175
- Contact Person: Mr. Babis Kontarakis