Due to the pandemic caused by Covid-19 many social sectors have been negatively affected.  In particular, the artistic and cultural activity has been put to a halt with devastating results both to professionals and to society as a whole – especially those belonging to a vulnerable social group. This project aims: 1. to promote social and labor inclusion of Young Migrants and Minorities (YMM) through art, 2. To promote the employability of young artistic professionals, 3. To raise awareness among the general public of the importance of arts and culture in the processes of social and economic development in the European Union.

The project team which consists of SOLIDARIDAD SIN FRONTERAS (Spain), EPEKA Berlin (Germany), EPEKA (Slovenia), CINEMATEK (Greece) has been met virtually, due to travel restrictions, in June 2020.

In due course, the first beta edition of the “Art For Inclusion” Guide to Social Participation Through Art for Young People will have been developed and ready for assessment by local discussion groups in each participating country of the project (Spain, Germany, Slovenia, Greece). The Guide will provide detailed activities to promote Social Participation by use of Dance, Theater, Music, Cinema and Circus. 

So stay tuned for more information to come and prepare yourselves to participate in your local discussion group for the most exciting cultural experience!

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